10,000+ locations reviewed to keep your luggage safe

Luggage storage Arequipa

Freedom to explore from $6.00 / day

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10,000+ locations globally
from $6.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 496,729+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from $6.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 496,729+ people

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How it works

  • Book in a few taps

    Tell us when you want to store your stuff, pick a convenient location, and pay online.

    Download the app

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage in Arequipa?

    The price for luggage storage in Arequipa starts from just $6.00/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage in Arequipa?

    There are multiple locations all around Arequipa which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Yanahuara District, Historic Centre of Arequipa, San Francisco Plaza, Church & Monastery and many other areas.

  • Is it safe to store your bags in Arequipa?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage in Arequipa.

  • Are there storage lockers in Arequipa?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and luggage drop off points in Arequipa. Storing your luggage with Bounce is as easy as using a storage locker, except a real person is there to watch over your things. If you don’t want to worry about lockers being full or remembering the code for your locker, you can drop off your luggage at any of our convenient locations in Arequipa.

  • Where are the best places to stay and eat while in Arequipa?

    The most popular restaurants to visit are Zig Zag, La Trattoria del Monasterio, and Las Gringas. Additionally, the highest ranked hotels within Arequipa are San Francisco, El Conquistador, and El Portal de San Lázaro.

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions in Arequipa?

    Arequipa offers several scenic parks including Los Ccoritos, Plaza de armas, and Ecoparque Divino Niño.

  • Where can I find tourist information and guideposts in Arequipa?

    You can find local tourist information at AUTOCOLCA, Centre de information de turismo y cultura de arequipa, and IPerú.

Store your luggage around Arequipa

Hands free travel, Around the globe

Store your luggage around Arequipa with Bounce

Located in the south of Peru, Arequipa was once the capital of the country before it was eclipsed by Lima. As a result, this city is famed for its cultural attractions and historic colonial architecture.

Sometimes known as the White City because of the volcanic white rock it is built from, the city is made even more beautiful by the towering snowcapped volcanoes that rise behind it. Arequipa's beautiful city center is a place where cutting-edge modernity meets the glorious past. This exquisite city may be Peru's best-kept secret.

There's plenty to do in Arequipa, but before you get carried away, you should take advantage of luggage storage services in the city. Dropping off your bags at one of the luggage storage locations Arequipa provides is the best way to store luggage and travel light as you enjoy this phenomenal city. And the less you have to carry, the more you'll enjoy yourself.

Luggage storage in Arequipa

Bounce provides luggage storage in Arequipa and in hundreds of cities worldwide. By partnering with local shops and businesses, Bounce provides a safe, secure, and affordable alternative to the luggage lockers you'll find at train stations and other transportation hubs. Bounce allows you to book luggage storage online and lets you store any size of luggage with our partners for luggage storage in Arequipa. No wonder we're becoming the biggest luggage storage service around.

Arequipa city guide

Top things to do in Arequipa

Once you've found a place to store luggage, Arequipa has so much to offer. Close to a stunning canyon that's twice the depth of the Grand Canyon, prehistoric paintings, towering volcanoes, and endless outdoor activities - there's so much to do in Arequipa that it would probably be quicker to list what you can't do here. And finding a place to store luggage for a few hours or for days at a time is the best way to make sure you have an enjoyable experience.

Museums in Arequipa

With the exception of Lima, Arequipa is probably the best museum city in Peru. If you want to explore the distant past or more recent events, you'll be able to do it in the incredible museums Arequipa has to offer.

  • Museo Santuarios Andinos: Peru was once the territory of the Inca civilization, and like most ancient South American civilizations, they weren't shy about a bit of human sacrifice. This museum explores the gruesome practice and is famous for containing the body of Juanita, a mummified young girl who was a victim of human sacrifice back in the 1500s.
  • Arequipa Museo de Arte Contemporáneo: Arequipa's Museum of Contemporary Art contains paintings, sculptures, video installations, and other avant-garde work by the latest and greatest Peruvian artists on the scene. Note that large bags aren't permitted inside, so make sure you leave yours behind in a luggage storage. Arequipa is a wonderful destination for the arts, and this museum is proof of that.
  • Casa Museo Mario Vargas Llosa: Probably the most famous Peruvian to ever wield a pen, Mario Vargas Llosa was the recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature. You can learn more about his life and work at his former home, but plan ahead because only 48 people are allowed inside each day. Large bags are definitely not allowed, so leave them behind in luggage lockers or with a luggage storage service before you visit.

Shopping in Arequipa

Arequipa has some excellent options for shopping. Whether you want to hit the mall and browse for bargain fashion or prefer a more boutique and authentically local shopping experience, you'll find it in the city. Just don't forget to drop off your bags at a convenient luggage storage in Arequipa to make your trip easier first.

  • Mall Aventura Plaza Arequipa: This is Arequipa's answer to the North American shopping experience. This two-story mall contains international brands like H&M and also has a large grocery store and even a movie theater.
  • Parque Lambramani: A slightly smaller shopping mall, this one is notable for its excellent food court that is packed full of great places to eat on your shopping trip.
  • Kuna: Alpacas have been a big part of Peruvian culture for centuries, and the wool they produce is some of the softest you're ever likely to find. This legendary local store produces beautiful clothing made from alpaca wool for a truly authentic Peruvian souvenir.

Restaurants in Arequipa

As you'd expect, Arequipa has tons of options for Peruvian cuisine, which is quite unique when compared to that of its South American neighbors. But additionally, this is a cosmopolitan city that offers culinary delicacies from around the world. So whatever you like to eat, chances are good you'll find it here. Leave your bags behind in a luggage storage facility before visiting these restaurants so you don't take up more space than you need to.

  • Tradición Arequipeña: You don't need to be fluent in Spanish to be able to guess what you'll get here from the name alone. Not only is the food here traditionally Peruvian, but so is the music floating through the dining room. The menu is packed with Peruvian classics like timpo de carne and chicharron de pulpo, but if those names mean nothing to you, don't worry. There are pictures to guide you, and the helpful staff can always recommend something.
  • Los Robles: Located in the Libertador Hotel, this is a great place if you're looking for a more upscale dining experience. Offering Peruvian fusion, the menu has a great selection of vegetarian dishes as well as more traditional options.
  • Hatunpa: The potato may be Peru's greatest gift to the wider world. At this tiny restaurant with only five tables, potatoes take center stage, cooked in a bewildering variety of different ways to bring out the best of this world-changing tuber.


If you've never heard of Arequipa before, you may be asking yourself, why not? After all, this city has just about everything you need for a great holiday. With all there is to do here, you should definitely consider making the trip to Peru's original capital to see what it has to offer.

Embarking on a trip across Peru? Don't forget to consult our helpful guides for Lima and Cusco. Bounce offers extensive luggage storage coverage throughout Peru, ensuring a stress-free travel experience.

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