World’s largest luggage storage network

Kintetsu Nara Station luggage storage

Freedom to explore from ¥450 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 497,173+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 497,173+ people

How it works

  • Book online or on the app

    Get the app and choose a convenient location. Your BounceShield™ Protection is activated upon booking online.

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

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Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

Check all the luggage storage spots in Nara

Store your luggage around Kintetsu Nara Station

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    The price for luggage storage near Kintetsu Nara Station starts from just ¥450/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    There are multiple locations in the Kintetsu Nara Station area which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Kyoto Station (京都駅), Neyagawashi Station (KH17) (寝屋川市駅), and Kongō Station (NK66) (金剛駅) and all over Nara.

  • Is it safe to store your bags near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage near Kintetsu Nara Station.

  • Are there storage lockers near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and many other luggage drop off points in the Kintetsu Nara Station area. Bounce has multiple luggage storage locations nearby Kintetsu Nara Station and in the broader Nara area where you can conveniently store your luggage with full security and the $10,000 safekeeping guarantee.

  • Where are the best hotel accommodations near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    The top-ranked middle to high-range hotels near Kintetsu Nara Station are Hotel Nikko Nara (ホテル日航奈良), Piazza Hotel (ピアッツァホテル奈良), and 東横イン近鉄奈良駅前. When traveling on a budget, the best hostels near Kintetsu Nara Station are 菊水楼, 春日ホテル, and ホテルニューわかさ.

  • Where are the best restaurants near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    The most popular restaurants to visit when near Kintetsu Nara Station are JJバーガー PLANT木津川店, Nakatanidou (中谷堂), and 豚菜館.

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions near Kintetsu Nara Station?

    Check out the nearby Nara Park (奈良公園), Nara Palace Site Historical Park (平城宮跡歴史公園), and Keihanna Commemorative Park (けいはんな記念公園).


About the station

The Kintetsu Nara Station is the terminus station on the Nara train line. While not a big station, the Kintetsu Nara Station does get very busy. There is one other train station in Nara called the JR Nara Station which is for those riding on the private trains run by the West Japan Railway Company. Most of what you will want to see in Nara is within walking distance from the Kintetsu Nara Station.

This area is known for its large number of shrines and temples. For those who are looking for beautiful examples of wooden shrines that date back many hundreds of years, there is a lot to love about visiting this station. You might also want to opt to stay at a location like Hotel Nikko Nara to be able to spend a few days exploring the Nara area.

Are there lockers in Kintetsu Nara Station?

There are luggage lockers at Kintetsu Nara Station near the west ticket gates. You can also store luggage with Bounce to make sure that you avoid the use of coin lockers which are not always as secure or convenient.

How do I get from Nara to Osaka with a JR pass?

You can get from Nara to Osaka on the Yamatoji rapid trains that run every hour out of Kintetsu Nara Station. The JR pass covers the trip, or you will need to pay 800 yen. The trip takes 45 minutes.

How many train stations are there in Nara?

There are two train stations in Nara. There is the Nara Station on the JR Line and the Kintetsu-Nara Station on the Kintetsu Line. The JR line is private, while the Kintetsu Nara Station is not.

Things to do near Kintetsu Nara Station

Kofuku-ji Temple

Originally the family temple of the Fujiwara, this temple is now a site of interest near the Nara train stations. This beautiful wooden pagoda is one of the finest examples of the pagodas of this period anywhere in Japan. You can enter the grounds and view the temple, but you cannot go inside the building.

National Treasure Museum

This small museum houses the artifacts that were originally housed in the Kofuku-Ji Temple. There are many beautiful Buddhist statues displayed here as well as art that was originally protected from public view. While the museum is not large, it is worth a visit just because of the rarity and beauty of the artifacts that are housed here.

It's a good idea to store luggage with Bounce before you come to the museum to see the artifacts. Bounce can offer you convenient luggage storage that you can count on, no matter where you are in the Nara area.

Nara Park

Established in 1880, this park at the foot of Mount Wakakusa is one of the most popular things to see when visiting Nara. The park is within easy walking distance of Kintetsu Nara Station. The park is home to a large herd of deer, and it features beautiful cherry trees as well as lots of walking paths. You can purchase deer crackers from a vending machine and feed the deer, or else you can simply walk through the park taking in its beauty and serenity. This activity is great for the whole family.

Getting Around Nara from Kintetsu Nara Station


If beautiful pagoda-style temples are something that you have always wanted to see, you will need to head to this lovely building. Dating back to 738 CE, this wooden building is steeped in history and is one of the finest examples of this kind of temple in Japan. There are also beautiful gardens here to enjoy during your visit. There are various temple halls on the grounds, and the garden has grown over time to include many fine examples of different Japanese gardening techniques and sensibilities. This attraction is only a 15-minute walk from the station and a five-minute drive.

Tourist Information Center

If you want to find out more about the things that you can see and experience in Nara, you can head to the tourist information center. The building is located outside the station so it couldn't be quicker or easier to get to. Here you will find lots of advice and guidance about what to see and do while you are in Nara, which can help you plan your day as you travel around the city.

Kasuga Taisha

This Shinto shrine is very beautiful and can be accessed with ease from the Kintetsu Nara Station. The shrine is known for its beautiful bronze lanterns and its age. It was originally established in 768 CE. Many people take pictures with the large, stone lanterns that adorn the walk up to the shrine before going inside to see the statues and other artifacts that are housed within the shrine itself. There is also a botanical garden here and a small museum if you want to learn more about the history of the location.

It's also simple to get to Kasuga Taisha on foot. It's about a 12-minute walk from the station mostly in a lovely natural area.

Luggage storage near Kintetsu Nara Station

No matter what activities you want to engage in when you come to Kintetsu Nara Station, you can count on Bounce for your luggage storage needs. We can offer you superior luggage storage services near JR Nara Station and Kintetsu Nara Station, which you can count on. Just use our handy app to find the luggage storage spot closest to you. We partner with local businesses so our locations can be anything from a convenience store to a restaurant to a laundromat. For a baggage room you can trust, always opt for Bounce. We have reliable and affordable luggage storage all over the world which can be easily booked online.

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