10,000+ locations reviewed to keep your luggage safe

Luggage storage Nogales

Freedom to explore from MX$100.00 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from MX$100.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 509,839+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from MX$100.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 509,839+ people

Our customers say it best

Millions of bags stored. 1M+ customers all over the world.

Christina R.
Becky M.
Milad M.
Cailyn W.
Deborah H.
Dragan V.

How it works

  • Book in a few taps

    Tell us when you want to store your stuff, pick a convenient location, and pay online.

    Download the app

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage in Nogales?

    The price for luggage storage in Nogales starts from just MX$100.00/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage in Nogales?

    There are multiple locations all around Nogales which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Calabasas Park, Tumacácori National Historical Park, Mono Bichi and many other areas.

  • Is it safe to store your bags in Nogales?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage in Nogales.

  • Are there storage lockers in Nogales?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and luggage drop off points in Nogales. Storing your luggage with Bounce is as easy as using a storage locker, except a real person is there to watch over your things. If you don’t want to worry about lockers being full or remembering the code for your locker, you can drop off your luggage at any of our convenient locations in Nogales.

  • Where are the best places to stay and eat while in Nogales?

    The most popular restaurants to visit are McDonald's, La palapa, and Taqueria Lupita. Additionally, the highest ranked hotels within Nogales are Hotel Fray Marcos, Las Bellotas, and Hotel Marques de Cima.

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions in Nogales?

    Nogales offers several scenic parks including Placita de las Banderas, Busto de Colosio, and Plaza Pestalozzi.

  • Where can I find tourist information and guideposts in Nogales?

    You can find local tourist information at Tap - Transportes y Autobuses del Pacifico and Gray Line Tours.


Store your luggage around Nogales with Bounce

Nogales is one of the key locations that many people who are in Arizona choose to visit if they want to head over the border for some fun. This city is medium in size and is perfect for those who only want to spend a few hours in Mexico before heading back to the US. That being said, you can spend as long as you want in this city that is convenient to the US, and you will not get bored during your stay.

Whether you are planning to spend an entire day in Nogales or you just want to pop over for a few hours, you can count on Bounce to take care of your luggage storage. Nogales is a great place to visit for excellent food, affordable shopping, and great weather. There is no reason to panic about convenient luggage storage locations when you have Bounce on your side.

Luggage storage in Nogales

Bounce can offer you access to convenient places to store luggage that are managed by friendly staff. We value our customers, and you will get bag protection when you store your luggage with us. Our handy app makes it easy to find places to store luggage in cities all around the world. Give us your suitcases, backpacks, sporting equipment, and everything in between, and we'll take good care of it while you explore Nogales.

Nogales city guide

Top things to do in Nogales

Nogales is a really great place to head for local markets, sunshine, and some really good tequila. You will want to visit the local businesses that are grouped together in some of the shopping centers, or you can just wander around the city for a few hours checking out the museums and other locations of interest.

Museums in Nogales

Pimeria Alta Historical Society Museum

Border towns are influenced by many different factors as they grow and develop. This museum offers you information about the various phases of this city's life, from its creation to the current day. The helpful staff are really friendly and love to explain items that are on display if you can't read the plaques or don't understand their relevance. Make sure to plan a few hours for your visit, as there is plenty to see here.

Pimeria Alta Historical Society Museumbag policy

There is no information about where to store luggage onsite at this museum. You do not want to be dealing with your luggage as you open jail cells, walk through areas filled with artifacts, or take a tour. Let Bounce help you store luggage with ease so you can have fun at this museum.

Señor Cabeza

If you love history and archaeology, then you will want to drop in to see this area. It's located in nearby San Ignacio, which is about an hour south of Nogales. While this isn't a museum in the strictest sense, it's a cave full of history and cave paintings that few people take the time to visit.

Señor Cabeza bag policy

This location does not offer a place to store luggage during your visit. You can leave your bags for an entire day with us, so don't worry about trying to store luggage at local hotels or a local shop while you enjoy this intriguing museum.

Nogales Art Museum

It's free to get into this art museum, and the exhibits are changed out frequently. There are some exhibits that are reserved for painters of Mexican renown, and local artists are allowed to place their collections for set periods of time here for tourists to see.

Nogales Art Museum bag policy

There does not seem to be anywhere to store luggage at this gallery. You can work with Bounce for luggage storage. Nogales offers you access to a wide array of art-related adventures, and you do not want to miss out on these cool sightseeing opportunities because of your bags.

Shopping in Nogales

FUN Nogales

This is a great place to head if you are traveling with kids. They can play arcade games and have a blast, while adults will be able to access some small local businesses and stores. You can also find food offerings on this side of town, so you will not go hungry while you are visiting. Kids will love all the various games and forget that you have taken them out to shop with you.

Plaza Acropolis

There are various kinds of businesses clustered at this little mall location. You will be able to get tacos, buy some clothes, and access a pharmacy here. The street is a little bit damaged that is closest to the mall, so it's best to just walk to the shops here from the main street.

Plaza Century

This local strip mall offers you some common anchor stores, access to food and groceries, and good parking options. You will not be protected from the sun here, however, as the mall is outdoors. Make sure that you are prepared for your visit by accessing Bounce luggage storage. Nogales stores like this usually don't offer much room for luggage to be brought inside as you shop.

Restaurants in Nogales

Restaurant El Marcos Nogales

If you want to enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine in a colorful setting, this is the place to be. There are some options on the menu with nods to other cuisines, like the chipotle fettuccini with chicken and Caesar salad, alongside traditional favorites like chicken fajitas, ceviche, and taco soup. The prices are great here, and the portions are generous, so this local grill offers a good bang for your buck.

Restaurant Bar La Roca

For a fine dining option, this is the best of the local businesses in the area. The dining room is beautifully decorated with hundreds of strong lights and upturned parasols hanging from the ceiling. The cuisine here is Mexican, and everything is unbelievably fresh. It's a little more expensive than some of the other restaurants in Nogales, but you can't beat the atmosphere here.

Restaurant "El Túle"

This charming little hole-in-the-wall offers Mexican classics and also serves breakfast. You will be able to find any kind of Mexican food classic on offer here, and when you choose this option, you'll be dining among the locals.

Many of the restaurants in Nogales are on the small side, so extra bags are always going to be in the way. Opt for convenience and drop everything off at a secure Bounce location before heading out for the evening.


Traveling around Mexico? If so, you need to check out our guides to Mexicali, Los Mochis, and Guasave. Bounce offers you the chance to store luggage with ease for a few hours or a few days. Avoid using lockers or hotels for your luggage storage in Nogales. Bounce offers luggage storage all over the world.

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