World’s largest luggage storage network

Odawara Station luggage storage

Freedom to explore from ¥450 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 497,298+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 497,298+ people

How it works

  • Book online or on the app

    Get the app and choose a convenient location. Your BounceShield™ Protection is activated upon booking online.

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

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Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

Check all the luggage storage spots in Odawara

Store your luggage around Odawara Station

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage near Odawara Station?

    The price for luggage storage near Odawara Station starts from just ¥450/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage near Odawara Station?

    There are multiple locations in the Odawara Station area which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Izu-Nagaoka Station (伊豆長岡駅), Ito Station (伊東駅), and Atami Station (熱海駅) and all over Odawara.

  • Is it safe to store your bags near Odawara Station?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage near Odawara Station.

  • Are there storage lockers near Odawara Station?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and many other luggage drop off points in the Odawara Station area. Bounce has multiple luggage storage locations nearby Odawara Station and in the broader Odawara area where you can conveniently store your luggage with full security and the $10,000 safekeeping guarantee.

  • Where are the best hotel accommodations near Odawara Station?

    The top-ranked middle to high-range hotels near Odawara Station are Yumoto Fujiya Hotel (湯本富士屋ホテル), 小田原ターミナルホテル, and Yunosato Okada (湯の里 おかだ). When traveling on a budget, the best hostels near Odawara Station are 天成園, 東横INN小田原駅東口, and Hotel Okada (ホテルおかだ).

  • Where are the best restaurants near Odawara Station?

    The most popular restaurants to visit when near Odawara Station are Marugame Seimen (丸亀製麺), Suzuhiro Kamaboko no Sato (鈴廣 かまぼこの里), and McDonald's (マクドナルド).

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions near Odawara Station?

    Check out the nearby Odawara Castle Park (小田原城址公園), 小田原こどもの森公園わんぱくらんど, and 県立おだわら諏訪の原公園パークセンター.


About Odawara Station 

Tourists can often feel overwhelmed when traveling to Japan. Not that the country is by any means unfriendly or inaccessible, it’s more the sheer scale of cities like Tokyo, and the depth of history of places like Osaka that can be a bit much. International tourists have come a long way, and the nonstop action of Japan’s largest cities can run even the most vigorous travelers ragged. That’s why planning a trip to lesser-known, and more relaxed places, can be a welcome addition to any trip to Japan. Odawara, tucked away in Kanagawa Prefecture, might be the perfect solution for this. 

Odawara is situated just southwest of Tokyo and makes for ideal day trips or long weekends away from the capital. It’s most famous for its Odawara Castle, which is one of the most revered historical landmarks in the entire country and was beautifully restored in recent years. There are, of course, wonderful temples and shrines to visit, along with a few museums to take a deep dive into the history of the city and region. One of the biggest draws to Odawara, aside from the castle, is the beautiful greenery and terrain surrounding the city. With lush forests surrounding the town, there are plenty of hiking trails and vantage points for admiring the natural beauty of the area. 

Most travelers reach Odawara via Tokyo, whether directly from Haneda Airport or by taking the train from downtown Tokyo to Odawara Station. This is the primary way for tourists to reach Odawara Castle and nearby Hakone, and there are frequent services by the JR from Tokyo and beyond. Odawara Station is connected with the rest of the country via the Tōkaidō Shinkansen. These long-distance bullet trains provide regional service provided by the Tōkaidō Main Line, and it takes about an hour from Tokyo Station. There are additional services from private railway companies like Odakyu Electric Railway (Odawara Line), Izu-Hakone Railway (Daiyuzan Line), and the Hakone Tozan Railway (Hakone Tozan Line). Odawara Station is the primary hub for local trains and buses. Although the local public transportation service is very reliable, Odawara is a pretty walkable city. 

Are there luggage lockers at Odawara Station?

Unfortunately, Odawara Station doesn’t have amenities like luggage storage facilities or coin lockers. This is a small train station in a small city, so the amenities on offer are fairly basic. That’s not to say it’s an uncomfortable place to travel through, the efficient logistics and friendly attendants make Odawara Station highly pleasant, and its location within the town center makes it easy to find alternative means of luggage storage

Do all Japanese train stations offer luggage storage?

It really depends on the station and location. Almost all major train stations and transportation hubs in major cities like Tokyo will offer a place to store luggage. Many of them will offer robust facilities that can accommodate a wide variety of item sizes. Smaller stations might have coin lockers that can’t fit more than backpacks. Metro stops and train stations in small cities might not have any form of luggage storage. 

Where can I store luggage in Odawara? 

If you need to store your bags somewhere for a few hours or even an entire day, you’ll have a few options in Odawara. If you’re staying overnight, you can always head to your accommodations and leave your baggage with the bellhop or concierge (the Hotel Okada, for example, does take bags prior to checkout). Certain attractions may offer a cloakroom, but this is uncommon in such a small city. Even the transit facilities don’t have luggage storage options. That’s where a proper luggage storage service like Bounce comes in. 

How does Bounce work? 

The Bounce network has storage facilities in most prime Japanese travel destinations, including Odawara. With the Bounce mobile app, you can use the search function to find the nearest luggage storage spot, and you can book ahead of time or even on the go. Once you’ve booked, you can head to the storage spot (we partner with local businesses) and simply show your confirmation to the attendant, and you’ll be off.

Things to do near Odawara Station

Odawara Castle

One of Japan’s biggest castles and easily the top destination in Odawara, this 15th-century castle has been torn down and rebuilt multiple times, the most recently being in 1969 when it was faithfully restored to the original plans. It remains one of the most historically accurate castles in the country, with a magnificent perch atop a hill overlooking Odawara and the waterfront. It was intended primarily for military purposes, but its surrounding cherry blossom trees make it one of the most beautiful in the country.

You can tour the castle interior to admire the samurai armor, pottery, and Meiji-era artwork. There is an impressive gallery of samurai armor and weaponry that will enthrall kids, history buffs, and geeky travelers. Make sure to go up the castle's main tower for unbelievable panoramic views that justify its military significance (a sentry could see way out into the bay to alert Tokyo of any naval activity). 

Old Tokaido Road

Historically a vital route connecting Tokyo with surrounding cities and beyond, the Old Tokaido Road was massively important to the development of the country. Starting in the 16th century, the Tokugawa clan began to change the political and economic landscape of the country by shifting influence from Kyoto towards modernizing Tokyo. This road was instrumental to the process as it facilitated commerce. The original road has been restored to its former state and makes for wonderful hiking around Odawara. The road is lined with historic houses and shrines, making it a sightseeing endeavor as well.

Hakone Shrine 

While it's not technically situated in Odawara, most tourists tack on a visit to this neighboring town’s wonderful shrine when visiting Odawara Castle. Tucked away between the foothills of Mount Hakone and the shores of Lake Ashinoko, it would be nearly impossible to find the shrine had the town not made it its primary historical landmark Torii gates at the entrance. The shrine is shrouded in dense forest, giving it a tranquil and otherworldly atmosphere ideal for intense contemplation and appreciation for nature. When the slopes of the mountain are blanketed in fog, this shrine and its lanterns become one of Japan's truly iconic images. 

Airport travel from Odawara Station

The most common way international travelers reach Odawara is by flying into Haneda International Airport. You’ll need to take a combination of trains, so most travelers rarely head there directly. But you can take the Airport Express to Tokyo Station (which takes 40 minutes), and then transfer to Tokaido Shinkansen bound for Odawara. The journey on the Shinkansen takes about 30-40 minutes. Because the total travel time will take more than two hours, it might make more sense to explore Tokyo first and head out to Odawara on an open day instead of tackling it all on a travel day. 

Getting around the city from Odawara Station

How to get to Odawara Castle from Odawara Station 

The city was essentially built up around Odawara Castle, so it’s centrally located and exceedingly simple to reach. If you’re taking a Shinkansen bullet train from Tokyo Station into Odawara Station (35-minute ride) or a JR Tokaido Line train (90-minute ride) you can simply walk to Odawara Castle from Odawara Station. The walk takes 10 minutes, and you'll be able to follow signage as well as just see the main tower of the castle. You’ll leave through the East Exit or North Entrance and take Benzaiten Street all the way there to the Castle's North Entrance. 

How to get to Hakone Shrine from Odawara Station 

To get to the wonderful town of Hakone and its famous shrine, you can take the Hakone Tozan Line directly from Odawara Station to Hakone Yumoto Station. The ride only takes 20 minutes. From the station, it’s a delightful 10-minute walk to the shrine. You can also take the Hakone Tozan Bus directly to the Hakonemachi bus stop, which takes 30 minutes. From the bus stop, it’s an additional 10-minute walk to Hakone Shrine. The bus costs less than $5 and is highly affordable compared to the $30 cab ride from Odawara (a 20-minute ride due to traffic near the shrine). 

Luggage storage near Odawara Station

You can get to Odawara and back in just a few hours, making it a prime day trip destination from Tokyo. If you need a place to store your bags for a few hours while you explore Odawara, you’ll want to look into whether the attractions you’re seeing offer a cloakroom or if you’ll need to arrange something else. If you’re planning ahead, you might as well look into a luggage storage service and book ahead of time. The Bounce network has luggage storage locations in cities throughout Japan, including even (relatively) small destinations like Odawara. With useful features and unparalleled reliability, Bounce is simply your best choice. So download the Bounce mobile app to see where you’re traveling next! 

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