World’s largest luggage storage network

Harajuku Station luggage storage

Freedom to explore from ¥450 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 496,909+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from ¥450/day
Rated 4.9 by 496,909+ people

How it works

  • Book online or on the app

    Get the app and choose a convenient location. Your BounceShield™ Protection is activated upon booking online.

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

Our customers say it best

Millions of bags stored. 1M+ customers all over the world.

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Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

Check all the luggage storage spots in Tokyo

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage near Harajuku Station?

    The price for luggage storage near Harajuku Station starts from just ¥450/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage near Harajuku Station?

    There are multiple locations in the Harajuku Station area which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Yokohama Station (横浜駅), Matsudo Station (松戸駅), and Ōmiya Station (大宮駅) and all over Tokyo.

  • Is it safe to store your bags near Harajuku Station?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage near Harajuku Station.

  • Are there storage lockers near Harajuku Station?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and many other luggage drop off points in the Harajuku Station area. Bounce has multiple luggage storage locations nearby Harajuku Station and in the broader Tokyo area where you can conveniently store your luggage with full security and the $10,000 safekeeping guarantee.

  • What public transportation exists near Harajuku Station?

    Popular metro stations like Toyosu Station (豊洲駅), Hibiya Station (日比谷駅), or Yurakucho Line Toyosu Station (Y22) (有楽町線 豊洲駅) can be used for nearby transit. When traveling within Tokyo near Harajuku Station, you may be close to some bus stations: Shinjuku Sta. West Exit Bus Terminal (新宿駅西口バスターミナル), JR Expressway Bus Terminal (JR高速バスのりば), or Bus Terminal - Nihonbashi Gate (東京駅日本橋口バスターミナル). If traveling by train, Shinjuku Station (新宿駅), Tokyo Station (東京駅), and JR Shinjuku Station (JR 新宿駅) are nearest to Harajuku Station.

  • Where are the best hotel accommodations near Harajuku Station?

    The top-ranked middle to high-range hotels near Harajuku Station are Hotel New Otani (ホテルニューオータニ), Annex Tower (アネックスタワー), and Ours Inn Hankyu (アワーズイン阪急). When traveling on a budget, the best hostels near Harajuku Station are 由縁別邸代田, 1980 Yen Hotel (1泊1980円ホテル), and Nui. Hostel & Bar Lounge.

  • Where are the best restaurants near Harajuku Station?

    The most popular restaurants to visit when near Harajuku Station are JR Akihabara Station (JR 秋葉原駅), Tokyo Big Sight (東京ビッグサイト (東京国際展示場)), and Bic Camera (ビックカメラ 有楽町店).

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions near Harajuku Station?

    Check out the nearby Ueno Park (上野恩賜公園), Yoyogi Park (代々木公園), and Hibiya Park (日比谷公園).


About Harajuku  

Harajuku is a popular district that’s located in Tokyo, Japan’s Shibuya district. When Harajuku was founded back in the 1800s, it was originally a small town that could only support a very small population. Despite its humble status as a post town, Harajuku would play a pivotal role during Japan’s Edo Period – the era of Samurai, Shoguns, and Ninjas. In fact, Harajuku was owned and controlled by a Shogunate (an ancient Japanese military regime) for many years until the Meiji Restoration occurred in the 1800s. By Emperor Meiji’s decree, Harajuku became a part of Tokyo. 

Though all of these events happened centuries ago, one can still see the influence that they’ve had on Harajuku. Several shrines are located in the district, as well as a number of well-preserved castles. Many of the customs that are held by Harajuku’s citizens stem from the Meiji Period and even from the Edo Period. Other customs, such as Harajuku’s robust athletics, cosplay, fashion, and shopping scenes are only becoming more pervasive over time. The end result is a district that has something old and something new for everyone.

Things to do Near Harajuku  

Between the slew of amazing shopping centers and breathtaking shrines in the area, visitors will find plenty to do in Harajuku. This district is also extremely close to several other popular areas like Yoyogi and Jingumae. While you’re in Harajuku, Bounce recommends a few great spots.

  • Visit Meiji Shrine and pay homage to Japan’s revered Emperor Meiji the Great and Empress Shoken
  • Watch the latest and greatest feature-length films at the UA Cine Times theater
  • Walk along the Jingu Bashi bridge and admire amazing Cosplays on display
  • Buy snacks, groceries, and souvenirs at the Omotesando Hills shopping complex
  • Travel back through time at Tokyo’s Tōgō Shrine
  • Experience Tokyo’s fashion scene in person at Takeshita Street
  • Cheer on some of Japan’s finest athletes at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium
  • See a wide array of amazing Japanese woodblock art at the Ukiyo-e Ōta Memorial Museum of Art
  • Get some fresh air at Yoyogi Park
  • Catch a ride at Harajuku Station

Transit Options in Harajuku 

  • Subway: Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line, Yamanote Line
  • Tokyo Toei Buses
  • Ride-sharing Apps

Luggage Storage Near Harajuku  

There are two things that first-time travelers ought to know about Harajuku. Number one, Harajuku is somewhat expensive. Many of the stores and restaurants there charge a pretty penny for their services. Granted, the experience will be worth every cent, but it’s worth bringing some extra cash along just to be safe. Number two, Harajuku is very crowded. Visitors often have very little space between one another as they migrate through the district. More often than not, travelers will literally rub shoulders with one another as they move from one shop to the next. It can be easy for a tourist to lose their things in such a large crowd, unless they use Bounce.

Luggage Storage Options Near  Harajuku 

Bounce is a luggage storage service that’s available in most major cities like Tokyo, as well as their districts, like Harajuku. Our luggage storage stations are located near tourist attractions, events hubs, and marketplaces. For $5.90 per day, travelers can store everything with Bounce, any day of the week. To learn more about our services, simply download the easy to use app.

Luggage Storage Near A+S

We weren’t kidding when we said that Fashion is really big in Harajuku. Boutiques and thrift shops are all over the district, including A+S (Architecture and Design.) A+S is the one-stop shop for Sneakerheads – this store features an amazing collection of shoes from big-name brands like Adidas, Converse, Nike, and many more. A+S also has a unique selection of shoes that can only be purchased inside their store.

A+S is easily one of the best shoe shops in all of Shibuya, let alone Harajuku. There’s always an awesome sale or a special promotion for patrons to capitalize on. Understandably, A+S is very strict about letting visitors bring in too much luggage. For anyone looking to visit A+S, we recommend storing your extra luggage with Bounce before you stop by this stellar shoe shop.

Luggage Storage Near the Japan National Stadium

For those who don’t know, many Major League sports are very big in Japan. Baseball became very popular with Japanese citizens during the 1960s; however, football and track and field have surged in popularity over the last few decades or so. Hence the Japan National Stadium – a multi-purpose sports venue that was built in 2019. 

The Japan National Stadium was built to replace Tokyo’s 1958 National Stadium, which itself was built to replace the Meiji Jingu Gaien Stadium. With a massive field size of 107 by 71 meters, the Japan National Stadium is the perfect place to hold major sporting events like the 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2021 Paralympics. One of our Bounce stations is located near this iconic sports venue.

Luggage Storage Near Nezu Museum

Japan’s art scene has garnered an international following over the years. Be it Japanese calligraphy or woodblock prints (known as Ukiyo-e Prints in Japanese), fans of Japanese art can be found in countries all around the world. If only there was some sort of institute dedicated to displaying and preserving all manners of Japanese art. Wait a second, there is – the Nezu Museum!

At the Nezu Museum, you'll find extensive gardens sure to amaze, several galleries, and also a museum shop. This museum is located in Tokyo’s Minato district, one of Harajuku’s neighboring districts. Anyone who’s a fan of Japanese artwork should definitely visit the Nezu Museum as soon as they get the chance. Visitors can use Bounce to store their luggage before heading into this astonishing museum. 

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