The Best Time to Visit Berlin 2024: the Ultimate Guide

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Travel guide to the best seasons in Berlin

The German capital, Berlin, is not a place that's renowned for its year-round balmy climate and cloudless blue skies. The lack of continual sunshine and the absence of warmer temperatures in no way shape or form deters the city from hosting a fabulous array of festivals and major events, many of them international, throughout the year.

If you're hoping to go sightseeing in Berlin in a short-sleeved t-shirt then more or less the only time that might be possible is from late June through to maybe the first week of September. You'll still need to go prepared with an umbrella and a light waterproof jacket as summer rain showers and the occasional thunderstorms can happen at any time.

As Berlin does host so many big events, there are times of the year when it's more difficult to book reasonably priced accommodation. If you only have certain fixed dates you can travel on then it's a good idea to check if any of the festivals coincide with your visit to Berlin and if they do, reserve your hotel or hostel well in advance.

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When Is The Best Time To Go To Berlin?

Read on and you'll find a season by season breakdown of general weather conditions in Berlin plus information on which month the main festivals take place. There's also a month-by-month breakdown of high and low average temperatures in the city. Once you have a general idea about all of those things, you'll know for sure when the best time to visit Berlin is for you.

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Summer in Berlin


The summer months of June, July, and August are when the relatively warm temperatures arrive in Berlin. Forget blazing hot summers and think more along the lines of moderate and you won't go far wrong. The average temperature in the inner city can often rise higher than it does in the surrounding areas due to the heat retention of the buildings. The warm weather doesn't guarantee a lack of rain and it can rain as many days per month in the summertime as it does the rest of the year. It just won't be freezing rain which is a little easier to deal with.

Why Go To Berlin In June?

After a cold winter and a chilly spring, Berlin is ready to say hello to summer with a city-wide music festival called Fête de la Musique. It's a one-day event held in mid-June where street musicians play all day long in various locations throughout Berlin. Yes, Fête de la Musique, is a French name and it's called that because it's a copy of an annual festival in Paris.

June in Berlin is the perfect month for making the most of the beer gardens. The warm temperatures mean you can sit outside, day or night, and enjoy a stein of frothy brew without having to wear a jacket. That said though, in the late evening temperatures drop so you may need a light sweater.

Why Go To Berlin In July

There's a lot happening in July in Berlin and the city is abuzz with a lot more than the sound of bees whizzing from flower to flower collecting pollen.

Classic Open Air is a five-night-long series of classical music concerts held in the Gendarmenmarkt plaza in early July. The event takes up the entire plaza with a stage and seating. There are both orchestral and operatic performances which culminate with a huge fireworks display.

Berlin's Gay Pride usually takes place in the second half of the month. The CSD festival is named after Christopher Street Day where the main parade usually takes place. This year, 2022, the celebrations will be muted and there will be no parade. Details of the smaller events that will be held from mid-July on are to be published closer to the date on the official CSD Berlin website.

NB: In previous years July has been the month when Berlin hosts its second Berlin Fashion Week. In 2022 the event dates have been changed and it is now being held in September.

Why Go To Berlin In August

Event-wise, August is one of the more subdued months in Berlin, but there's still something happening somewhere and they're mostly culturally focused. August is the best time to visit Berlin if you're a fan of classical music.

It's usually the warmest time of the year too, so the city center can feel stifling even when the average temperature doesn't rise much above 75°F (24°C). August is also when a lot of Berlin's resident population abandon the city and head north to enjoy the last of the brief summer, and the good weather, on the country's beaches so it can seem quiet all around.

Musikfest is a series of classical music concerts held every year in various locations over a period of three weeks beginning in August.

Long Night Of The Museums at the end of the month sees the city's museums open late and hosting classical music and theatrical performances. Over 80 museums participate and you can also view the collections until the early hours of the morning.

The Potsdam Palace Nights in late August is when the royal palace belonging to Frederick The Great is open for viewing. There are classical concerts and theatrical and dance performances in the elaborate, illuminated gardens.

Why Not Visit Berlin In Summer

Summer is not the best time to visit Berlin if you have an aversion to drinking in busy beer gardens, don't like large tourist crowds, or detest classical music.

Average High Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

June – 71°F (22°C) July - 75°F (24°C) August - 66°F (19°C)

Average Low Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

June – 54°F (12°C) July - 59°F (15°C) August - 57°F (14°C)

The best time to visit Berlin


Fall, pretty much the same as the rest of Europe, is an unpredictable season in Berlin. Early fall can give the false impression that summer is stretching out for longer than anticipated, but it doesn't last for long. By the time October creeps around on the calendar, it's adios to warm weather, grey skies are more common than blue ones, and it's getting dark by 4:30 in the afternoon. It's the time of the year that colder weather is a given so activities start to move indoors and unless you have Eskimo blood, outdoor activities are shelved for the next few months.

Why Go To Berlin In September

Even if the Berlin weather does its absolute worst you can still enjoy the second Berlin Fashion Week as it's an indoor event showcasing all the new and upcoming fashion designers from all over the country. Another great indoor event held in mid-September is the Berlin Art Week.

Why Go To Berlin In October

If you visit Berlin at the beginning of October, you won't need to worry about wandering the city in the dark. October is when the city celebrates the Festival of Lights and the entire city center is an extravaganza of elaborate illuminations. It's a festival that, even if it doesn't chase away the looming winter blues, certainly tries hard enough.

Why Go To Berlin In November

November is the month to visit Berlin if you're a fan of the jazz music genre. JazzFest Berlin is a four-day-long festival at which all the top German and international jazz stars perform. The program and artists performing are published in late summer on the official JazzFest website.

Average High Temperatures in Fall In Berlin

September – 66°F (19°C) October - 57°F (14°C) November- 46°F (8°C)

Average Low Temperatures in Fall In Berlin

September – 52°F (11°C) October - 43°F (6°C) November- 37°F (3°C)

Best season for tourists in Berlin


If you visit Berlin in winter then you have to be ready for dark and rainy days where the average temperature is going to be consistently low. There's no getting away from the fact that the colder days have arrived and you're going to have to dress warmly. Don't think that Berlin goes into hibernation in the wintertime, it doesn't.

Why Go To Berlin In December

Berlin goes all out to make Christmas special so from mid-December, the city is awash with festive spirit. Not even rainy days, which are highly likely as it's the rainiest month of the year and also one of the coldest months, can put a dampener on Christmas in Berlin. If you love Christmas in a cold place and can't resist the lure of Christmas markets, this is the season to visit Berlin. 

Why Visit Berlin In January

Is January a good time to visit Berlin? Good question. It's cold and dark and can be absolutely freezing, but it still has its good points, especially for New Year's Eve. Celebrate New Year's Eve in Berlin and you won't feel the chill in the air if you're surrounded by the crowds at the Brandenburg Gate doing the same thing. If you don't bring the New Year in at the Brandenburg Gate then you might as well not have been in Berlin for New Year.

Why Go To Berlin In February

There's quite probably only one good reason to go to Berlin in February and that's the Berlin Film Festival. Berlin Film Festival is held from mid to late February and is open to the public as well as to participants. There are usually around 400 or more different films shown, so if you attend, there's a ton to see.

Average High Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

December – 39°F (4°C) January - 37°F (3°C) February - 39°F (4°C)

Average Low Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

December – 32°F (0°C) January - 28°F (-2°C) February - 30°F (-1°C)

When to travel to Berlin


Berlin is not a city that rouses quickly from its winter sleep and spring is a season that's frequently slow to make its appearance. March can often seem like just a continuation of winter although there are sometimes clear, rain-free days that are pleasant enough even while there's still a pretty sharp nip in the air. To experience the real feel of springtime in Berlin April and May are the best times to go.

Why Go To Berlin In March?

March is, tourist-wise, a quieter time to visit Berlin. There are fewer visitors in the museums in Berlin and at the other main attractions, indoor and out, which is great if you don't like being jostled by crowds.

The early spring temperatures of March can be downright frigid in Berlin and it's not uncommon for it to snow occasionally in March either. On a positive note, frost and snow can add a special element to any street or landscape photographs you take when visiting Berlin so don't dismiss March entirely, especially if you're a photographer.

The biggest event to happen in March in Berlin is the ITB Travel Fair. The exact dates when Berlin hosts the event vary from year to year, but the three-day-long convention usually takes place in the first week, or thereabouts, of the month. While ITB is solely for international teams working in the travel industry, the fair attracts over 10,000 attendees so, as you can imagine, accommodation in Berlin during those three days is in very short supply.

Why Go To Berlin In April?

April can still be chilly in Berlin but it's also when springtime generally makes its first appearance. Usually, the first two weeks of April are when Berlin welcomes the blooming of its cherry blossoms. The Japanese, Korean, and Chinese gardens at Berlin's Gardens of the World are the best place to see nature's spectacular show. There are more than flowering trees at Berlin's Cherry Blossom festival so expect some theater and live music performances.

Why wait for Halloween when you can have Walpurgis Night instead? Walpurgis Night takes place at the end of April in Mauerpark and is a pagan-style, German folklore celebration of the coming of May. It's a fun party-in-the-park with live music, bonfires, food stalls, and lots of street artists.

Why Go To Berlin In May?

If you want to explore on foot or go hiking in Berlin or the surrounding area, you'll find May is the ideal month to do it. The late spring temperatures are neither too high nor too low so it's a comfortable climate for all sorts of outdoor activities. Do be prepared for rainy days. Having a backpack with a lightweight waterproof jacket with you at all times is generally a good plan.

The city puts on its carnival hat in the month of May. The Karneval der Kulturen is, as most carnivals are, a colorful and flamboyant festival that takes over the streets with parades and live performances for several days. If that's your thing, start making plans for 2023.

Why Not Go To Berlin In Springtime

There's no reason not to go to the German capital in spring as it is, in fact, the best time to visit Berlin.

Average High Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

March – 48°F (9°C) April - 57°F (14°C) May - 66°F (19°C)

Average Low Temperatures in Spring In Berlin

March – 34°F (1°C) April - 41°F (5°C) May - 48°F (9°C)

Best time to visit Berlin

When is the best time to visit Berlin for you?

Winter may seem as if it keeps a lengthy grip on Berlin and it does. But nature always has her way and as there's so much to do in the city, the coldest months pass quickly and before you know it, it's time to celebrate spring and in the blink of an eye, summer is, once again, in full swing. Your ideal time to visit Berlin will depend on your tolerance for colder temperatures and rainy days, your ability to deal with crowds, and what you enjoy doing when it comes to festivals and events. In general, late spring, and more specifically late April to the end of May, is a great time to visit Berlin.

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